Courses and Conferences on Technical Operations / for Pharmaceutical Engineers

In the pharmaceutical industry, technical facilities have to comply with the GMP requirements. The construction of premises should be GMP-compliant, and correspondingly be documented. Chapter 3 of the EU GMP Guide Part I states: „Premises and equipment must be located, designed, constructed, adapted and maintained to suit the operations to be carried out. Their layout and design must aim to minimize the risk of errors and permit effective cleaning and maintenance in order to avoid cross-contamination, build up of dust or dirt and, in general, any adverse effect on the quality of products.“

There exists a wide range of provisions for pharmaceutical facilities. However, the requirements are partly not specific enough. Generally, other documents - mostly from industrial associations – have to be used. Now, the question is: when do VDI guidelines or ISO norms need to be used? How relevant are PDA and ISPE Guidance documents? Technical staff and executives in the technical department of pharmaceutical companies must have appropriate qualifications as well as employees and executives from manufacturers of medicinal products and APIs. We offer conferences and courses for technical personnel and engineers. See the following overview for some conferences topics:

  • Spray Drying
  • Handling of Highly Potent Compounds
  • Pharmaceutical Engineering for Non-Engineers
  • The Pharma Engineer
  • Clean Rooms
  • Pharmaceutical Water Systems
  • Industrial Pharmacy for Non-Pharmacists
  • Manufacture of Oral Solid Dosage Forms
  • Renovation and Upgrading of Manufacturing Facilities
  • Maintenance and Calibration

Read more here about the Technical Operations Manager Certification Programme.
